
Rugged Clichés on Rugby by Morganne Shelford

Women rugby teams have clearly been misjudged… The stereotypes on rugby are usually ones linked to a violent and macho game, totally inappropriate for women; nonetheless, women rugby teams are becoming better known and the sport is developing throughout the world. Why would that be?

Here is a very simple answer: because women feel the need to let go of their emotions and manage their stress. Most of the teams have a very aggressive winning spirit! The majority of the non-professional men’s rugby teams exist more for fun and friends and, as we say in France: “la troisième mi-temps”, i.e. the after-match drinking binge!

In France, it is much easier for a man to make his living playing rugby and to play in a high level team than for a woman. You guys should know why! It is simply because rugby is not considered a profession for women; the fact that they are not paid to play makes them really play for the jersey, but it also means that they have to train after a day’s work. This makes it harder for women, but the FFR is getting better at promoting women’s rugby during men’s matches and with publicity during major rugby events such as the Rugby World Cup. The French women’s rugby team did really well at the last World Cup in England in 2010 and ended up fourth behind New Zealand, England, and Australia.

There is a team I guess you don’t even know exists: the ORCA (Ovalie Romagnatoise Clermontoise Auvergne). It’s a women’s rugby team in Romagnat, Auvergne, France, that plays in Elite 2, the second best level in France, and are third of eight teams!  There is also a team for young girls that like to develop their teamwork; they have a great will to win! Feel free to come and try! For more information on this team, click on this link: http://www.orca.asso.fr/

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